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Berikut produk IC terlengkapThe National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is being paid to find out: to put numbers on some of the seemingly nebulous concepts. At one end of the scale a...
SinglFuse™ Thin Film Chip FusesBourns' SinglFuse thin film chip fuses feature surface-mount packaging for automated assembly Bourns introduces the mo...
AD9695 14-Bit, Dual, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)Analog Devices' ADCs for software defined radios, cellular, and communication applications ADI’...
MLG0603PPA Series InductorsTDK's MLG0603PPA series inductors are designed for use in high-frequency circuits TDK's MLG0603PPA series multi-layer induc...
ADXL1001/ADXL1002 Low Noise and Wide Frequency AccelerometersAnalog Devices’ accelerometers for predictive maintenance, test and measurement, and ass...
LTC5552 Wideband RF Microwave 3 GHz to 20 GHzLinear Technology’s broadband dual/double balance passive mixer for microwave transceivers, point-to-poi...
AS7620 Step-Down (Buck) DC-to-DC Converterams offers the AS7620 converters for 24 VDC applications, such as home and industrial automation (smart citi...